Frequently Asked Questions

Where is therapy provided?

Therapy is provided where the problem behaviors are exhibited usually at home or in the school, day care center, day program, group home etc. Our therapists go to the natural environments where the Behaviors should be addressed. Office contrived environments are not used in our practice.

When is therapy provided?

Timing is flexible and it is usually agreed upon with caregivers during the first visits taking into consideration other activities the child may have like school and other therapies and/or the moment of the day when therapy is most needed.

How are services started?

It is very simple. Just contact (link to contact details) us. Your first appointment will be arranged with one of our behavior analysts as soon as practical. At Kendall Behavior Therapy we do not have waiting lists for the service. If professionals are not available we inform you and orient you accordingly.

How is therapy provided?

During your first appointment with our behavior analysts all consents for therapy will be explained to you and you will be instructed on how to complete and sign them. The analyst will gather information to determine what the most suitable Behavior Assistant would be like for your case. The Analyst will also start to conduct the behavioral assessment in order to guide treatment planning to make certain your child has the best opportunity to grow and succeed. For the assessment the Behavior Analysts will utilize different scientifically based instruments like interviews, rating scales, surveys and direct observation.

In the following visits the Analyst will introduce the Behavior Assistant who will implement 1:1 therapy as indicated and under the supervision of the analyst. The BA will provide the therapy during the hours determined at the Assessment. The Behavior Analyst will continue to visit once or twice per week to supervise the assistant’s work and to train and evaluate the caregivers.

Within the first three months of therapy the Analyst will complete a Behavior Support Plan to set the short and long term objectives and to describe the treatment and how to implement the replacement and acquisition skill programs. Both, the Assessment and the Behavior Support Plan, will be explained to you by the Analyst. Monthly, quarterly and annual documentation and updates will be subsequently completed by the BA and the Analyst.

How many hours are approved for a client?

This is decided on a case by case basis. Elements like behaviors that pose a threat to client’s and other’s life are taken into consideration to determine that a greater number of hours may be required. The maximum amount of hours per week of combined services (BA plus Analyst) is 40 hours. 10 hours is usually the minimum recommended. The longest session recommended is of 6 hours.